Program description
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Dispersion calculations for odorous substances according to the models VDI 3782 part 4 and Factor-10-Method
1. Introduction
1.1 Overview
1.2 Installation
1.3 Files
1.4 Integrated help and manual
2. Odor models
2.1 Factor-10-Method
2.2 VDI 3782 part 4
2.3 Interference of several sources
3. Statistical characteristics
3.1 Global parameters
3.2 Periods
3.3 Receptor points and pre-pollutions
3.4 Sources
3.5 Tests and calculation
3.6 Result table
3.7 Characteristic graphic and area map
4. Tools
4.1 Batch processing
4.2 Statistical data of dispersion category
4.3 Selection and illustration of AKS
4.4 Export
5. Operations
5.1 Within the forms
5.2 Within the tables
5.3 Within the graphics
6. Problem solving and compatibility
7. Glossary
1. Introduction
1.1 Overview
With P&K_ODOR we offer a PC program to carry out dispersion calculations for odorous substances according to the models VDI 3782, part 4 and the Factor-10-Method.
Both models use the Gaussian Plume Model according to TA Luft as a basis model for calculation of half-hour average values of the odor concentration. They differ in modelling of the fluctuation.
The calculation with the Factor-10-Method determines how often the average value (which was increased by a factor (usually 10)) exceeds the odor threshold.
A gamma distribution is used in the model VDI 3782, part 4 to describe the fluctuation. The model parameters are accessible in the forms.
The dispersion conditions are described in the statistical data of dispersion categories according to TA Luft. The result of an odor ambient air concentration prognosis is the time-assessed frequency of odor; also known as frequency of perception.
A large number of point sources, line sources, and area sources can be considered in the calculation as well as receptor points and evaluation areas with pre-pollution.
Pre-condition to access the calculation function of the program is to apply the selection (generation) with help of the file administrator ("Files").
The option "Inputs" equips the program with forms and tables to define the input data. To control the inputs, the area map and the wind distribution can be viewed graphically or distributed to a printer.
The results of the calculation are available in the main menu in "Prognosis". A result log shows the input data and the calculation results as text in a ASCII-file and a Report shows this in HTML-Format.
The prognosticated characteristics can be illustrated in colored squares (surfaces), placed numbers, or Isolines. They also can printed as well as transferred to other programs.
1.2 Installation
Just start the installation program and follow instructions
The program can be started by executing pk_odor.exe. For simplification a link to a user defined program group has been produced during the installation.
1.3 Files
The parameter settings of an project are stored in a set of files with the same name but with different extensions. The selection of a set of data ("Files") or the input of appropriate data is required to access further program functions.
Functions for all necessary file handlings are available in the file manager:
New | Creates a new project with the name NONAME in which data can be entered. It can be saved under a new project name. (File/ Save As) |
Open | In this form projects can be opened. The files with the extension ODP will be indicated. The file type can be switched to the extension ODI alternatively in order to read the configuration files of the predecessor programs. |
Save | Saves all files associated with a project. Overwrites without prompting, except when no name is given. |
Save as | Saves all files associated with a project. The project name can be chosen or entered in a form. If one of the files already exists, the form will ask you if you want to overwrite. |
Recent Projects | Here one can select and open a project from a list of recently modified projects |
The following files are placed and initialized in the data path:
P&K_ODOR.IN1 | Parameter for tabular and graphical output of the AKS |
P&K_Graf.ini | Parameter for graphical characteristic illustration |
P&K_ODOR.IN4 | List of batch instructions |
For each project a set of files with different extensions and the same name will be put into the current data path by the file manager and administered from there:
*.ODP (alt *.odi) | Configuration of the calculation. The configuration files with the extension ODI (of the predecessor program) can be also read. |
*.ODO | Calculation log. (Results are stored in above binary file) |
*.ODA | Receptor point list. (Until Version 5.1) |
*.ODV | List of the collectives and pre-pollutions. (Until Version 5.1) |
*.ODF | List of sources. (Until Version 5.1) |
The calculation of statistical characteristics requires existing statistical data of dispersion categories (AKS). The AKS can be put under any name into an individual path. The program comes with a fictitious AKS with the name DWD_STA2.AKS.
1.4 Integrated help and manual
In P&K_ODOR, a context-sensitive help is integrated. It can be pulled up at any location in the form by pressing the function key "F1". In the help screen, if necessary, highlighted cross references (links) are interspersed, which, by clicking on them, provide more detailed information.
2. Odor models
2.1 Factor-10-Method
The calculation with the Factor-10-Method determines how often the average value (which was increased by a factor (usually ten)) exceeds the odor threshold. A time assessment is included; so the results can be compared with the perception frequency of the VDI model. They appear in the appropriate column of the result log. The re-standardization and the objective frequency of odor are meaningless in this model. The related columns in the log have the value zero.
see Odor model data
2.2 VDI 3782 part 4
The model VDI 3782, part 4 uses a gamma distribution, which is dependent on the dispersion parameters (sigmas) and the wind velocity, to describe the fluctuation.
A great deal of care was taken over the draft of the guideline VDI 3782, part 4 in our program. The results have been checked with two other, absolutely independent software implementations. The basis model (TA Luft 86) shows in the result list of our program the annual average value for the odor concentration, which was added together from the half hour average values. The annual average value is identical with the pollutant concentration, which standard business TA Luft programs supply under the same conditions.
The parameters disputed in the guideline can be set individually:
- Dispersion parameters
- Plume rise
- Cumulate rare odor
- Lambda
or meet reasonable assumptions in the program:
- Wind profile
- Interference of several sources
Dispersion parameters (Sigma)
In an accompanying text of the guideline draft (VDI volume 16, page 34) it is indicated that better results are to be expected, if the "dispersion parameters are seen as dependent from the source distance and not only from the Lee distance".
This is taken into consideration (not part of the guideline draft) by calculating sigmay=F*sqrt(x2+y2)f and sigmaz=G*sqrt(x2+y2)g outside the basis model (TA Luft).
Waste gas plume rise
The guideline draft plans a rise model for the waste gas plume deviating from TA Luft (VDI 3782, part 4, appendix 1).
This model shows a mixture from rise models according to VDI 3782, part 3 and TA Luft 86
This action is certainly worthy to explore. That's why there are alternative rise models available in our program.
Time assessment and cumulating low odor
The guideline draft (VDI 3782, part 4, chapter 5) plans, besides the odor frequency, a second characteristic in the form of a cumulated odor frequency (or frequency of perception).
The odor frequency for a dispersion period will be increased to 100%, if it is greater than the time assessment threshold. According to the guideline draft, the lower frequencies should disappear. This can, with mainly low values (odors), cause the perception frequency to disappear; an effect which is hard to understand. The program offers alternatives to keep the low odors while calculating the cumulated odor frequency.
In the guideline draft lambda=0.22 is set and in the accompanying text of the guideline draft lambda=0.2 is set (VDI volume 16, page 21).
Wind profile
For the vertical wind profile an exponential statement is selected in the calculation of the mean of sum of curves (TA Luft 86) as well as in the re-standardization of this average value (VDI 3782, volume 4, section 2.1). This exponential statement leads to infinite ambient air concentrations for heights which are converging towards zero. For the first case it is the source height, in the second case it is the receptor point height. In the absence of a better statement, a constant wind profile below 3 m is assumed in P&K_ODOR as well as in the TA Luft Model (UBA-materials 2/87 section 3.1.3)
2.3 Interference of several sources
The statement (diverted from the multiplication theory of the perception frequency), suggested in the text of the guideline draft (chapter 3.1) is mathematically plausible in the case of independent sources (with statistically interfered fluctuations). This can certainly be assumed, when the temporal width of the concentration fluctuations (in the dimension of a second), which are generated by air schlieren, clearly stay below the duration differences of the sources to the receptor point. This can be assumed for source distances of several meters.
This statement is also used for handling the line and area sources (which are transformed into point sources according to the guideline VDI 3782, part 1).
3. Statistical characteristics
Data is to be entered into forms and tables and will be stored in a set of files for later access. These files obtain a common project name with a different extension.
Two forms are for entering all non-tabular project names which are stored with the extension ODP.
The model dependent data is to be entered in the form "Odor model data" and is described in chapter 3 of the manual.
The inputs, not binding on the model, are to be entered in the form "Global parameters of characteristic calculation" and will be described in the following chapter.
3.1 Global parameters
Two lines of text will be stored along in the result log to describe the calculation.
The name of the statistical dispersion category can be selected from a list, if this list exists with the extension AKS in the directory for statistics.
The basis model (TA Luft) requires that during the characteristics calculation, the 10°-wind direction sectors of the AKS are divided into 2°-sectors. With a checkbox, this step can be turned off to increase the computing speed. In particular, when calculating many sources or several dispersion category statistics, the error which occurs is negligible (low percentage). In individual cases, the deviation should be checked by test calculations.
The structure of the statistical dispersion categories is explained in chapter 4.2 of this manual.
The characteristic calculation can be limited to dispersion categories, wind direction and wind velocity categories. This limited calculation will supply results, as if these conditions were continuing for the entire time.
The characteristic calculation can be limited regarding dispersion, wind direction and/or wind velocity categories. The category zero (selection "all") causes the consideration of all categories. The limited calculation supplies results, which could be expected if these conditions would be continuous for the entire time. The definition of the categories is explained in chapter 4.2 of this manual.
The odor threshold value is defined as the concentration of odorous substances from the moment that odor occurrences are perceived. They are counted as soon as they are perceived.
If the pre-pollution values for the evaluation areas are unknown in the fullest details (all pre-pollution inputs in the collective list are equal to zero), it can be calculated with the same pre-pollution for the entire area.
see Global parameters of characteristic calculation
3.2 Periods
When calculating the expected odor frequency, the syncronicity of the emission is of decisive influence. Odor frequencies of source emitting in the same time are added according to the multiplication theorem of the likelihood calculation (see chapter 2.3 of the manual).
With the plan of the time periods a simple way to describe the simultaneity is offered. The total time, depending on the demands of the project, is distributed among 5 periods. A relative time share is allocated to each period. In which period a source did emit or not is to be stated. E.g. these are the following source types in a company with 3 shifts (8 hours each):
a. | Permanently emitting sources |
b. | Sources, which only emit in the first day shift |
c. | Sources, which emit on both day shifts |
d. | Sources, which only emit half an hour per day shift (purification time) |
From this the following periods result:
t1 | Purification times with 0.5*2 h/day = 1 h = 4.17 % |
t2 | First day shift with 8 h minus t1. = 7.5 h = 31.25 % |
t3 | Second day shift with 8 h minus t1. = 7.5 h = 31.25 % |
t4 | Rest of the time with 24 h minus t1., t2. and t3. = 8 h = 33.33 % |
For the sources set the following buttons:
Source type | Periods | ||||
t1 | t2 | t3 | t4 | t5 | |
a. | X | X | X | X | - |
b. | X | X | - | - | - |
c. | X | X | X | - | - |
d. | X | - | - | - | - |
The 5th period is not necessary.
3.3 Receptor points and pre-pollution
Characteristics can be calculated for individual receptor points or together for a collective of receptor points. The functions for generating receptor point rasters can be found in one form and for editing and modifying the receptor point data can be found in another form.
The definition of the receptor point array is located in a table, which holds the coordinates of these points. The collectives and pre-pollutions are in another table.
see form List of receptor points and Table Import
For each receptor point collective, a pre-pollution for the odor frequency is the first value in each line. If in the collective table all of the pre-pollution values is not equal to zero, the pre-settings of the pre-pollution from "global parameters" are used in the characteristic calculation.
see form List of Collectives and Table Import
For more comfortable handling, this program is equipped with a function for the generation of a circular point network with square meshes and uniform point heights.
This generator is configured in a form in which center point coordinates, radius of the area, mesh-size of the network, height of the receptor points and number of the receptor points per mesh are entered. Only meshes which fit completely in the circular area, are created.
A square area can contain 4 receptor points, one on each corner, or an additional 5 points (for a total of 9) in the middle of the edge length between the corners and in the center.
Four different area types can be generated:
- circular area with meshes on the kilometer raster of the coordinates.
- circular area with meshes symmetrical around the area center.
- quadratic area with meshes on the kilometer raster of the coordinates.
- quadratic area with meshes symmetrical around the area center.
The possibility of an edge length of 250 meters and nine points per mesh and meshes symmetrical around the center complies with the demands of the odor ambient air concentration guideline of the regions (GIRL)
see Form Definition of a receptor point net
3.4 Sources
Under the menu Edit / Sources, one can create and define sources.
see List of the sources and Table Import
A source with the expansion zero in X and Y direction is a point source; a source with the expansion zero in just one direction is a line source.
Line and area sources will be replaced by a set of point sources as mentioned in the appendix 2 of the guideline VDI 3782 part 1.
When heat emission is present (exhaust gas temperature over 10° C), only the thermal lift is calculated. Only with cold sources is the mechanical lift (taking into consideration the stack opening diameter) the cause for the waste gas plume rise.
In case of line and area sources, the specification of the heat emission refers to the entire source.
The diameter of a stack opening determines the mechanical lift of a cold waste gas plume with given exhaust volume rate according to VDI 3782 part 3. In case of heat emission or for calculations according to TA Luft this specification is meaningless.
Temperature and exhaust volume rate determine the heat emission and with that the thermal lift of the exhaust. The surrounding temperature of 10 °C must not be exceeded. The exhaust volume rate is to be entered in standard state.
3.5 Tests and calculation
In the context of the characteristic calculation for the project (specified under the menu "Statistic"), a complete calculation is carried out and results are posted into a log. This log is the data input for illustration of the results and the Export-program.
Before the start of a time-consuming complete calculation (particularly when intending to use batch processing), the inputs can be verified with the function check for plausibility. A further tool for verification can be the area map.
The project (including results) must be saved after a prognosis has been committed!
The result of the calculation is also stored in an ASCII file with the file extension ODO and this can be viewed with an editor.
The calculation of the characteristics requires (in case of a Pentium II Processor with hard disk-cache) the total statistical data of dispersion categories and 2°-wind sectors in the Factor-10-Model 0,12 seconds and in the model VDI 3782 part 4 ca. 0,3 seconds for a pair of receptor sources.
Line and area sources are divided into several sources for close receptor points, whereby the computing time increases substantially. Likewise, the number of the dispersion situations is a factor of the computing time. A calculation with 10°-wind sectors reduces the computing time by a factor of 5.
3.6 Result table
The result covers the following result tables and relevant input data of the calculations:
- For the additional pollution for each receptor point collective the annual average value (of the basis model TA Luft), the re-standardized annual average value, the objective frequency of odor and the subjective frequency of perception are shown.
- One column with the pre-pollutions
- One column with the total pollutions
If the calculation was limited to certain wind direction, wind velocity and/or dispersion categories, the characteristics show the values when the reduced statistic would have carried on for the entire year.
The odor ambient air concentration guideline of the regions (GIRL) defines the total pollution as the arithmetical sum from additional and pre-pollution. These characteristics are shown in additional columns in the result log.
The results can be viewed under the menu Prognosis / Report or Prognosis / Log.
3.7 Characteristic graphic and area map
The characteristics of the result table are illustrated graphically on the display.
There is one value for each receptor point collective in the calculation result:
for the additional pollutions
- annual average value of the odor concentration
- re-standardized annual average value of the concentration
- objective frequency of odor
- subjective frequency of perception (IZ) [GE/m3]
for the pre-pollution of the subjective frequency of perception
- Total load
- Additional load
- Pre-load
The columns of the result table in the log are optionally illustrated on the display.
- With colored quadratic areas (surfaces)
- With placed numbers
- Frequency of perception (IZ) [%] with map
- In the form of contour lines (Isolines)
There are forms for the setting at the view port. In addition, the graphic title can be set in the form Parameter of the characteristic output. With File/Print the graphic can be printed.
Parameter of the result graphic
For the illustration of color areas and contour lines, inputs are expected for the threshold values. From the threshold range and the number of thresholds, appropriate equidistant threshold values will be calculated in the form Configuration of the color scale. This can be overwritten.
In the form "Parameter of the characteristic output" the graphic type and a column can be selected from the result table for illustration.
For the graphic output of the results, symbols, numbers and colors of the geometric elements can be activated here.
see form Parameter of the characteristic output
Map of the area
Derived from the information in the result table, the map of the area illustrates the placement of the sources, receptor points etc. on the screen. The objects will be drawn in colors which can be chosen. In addition, the output of the symbols and numbers of the geometric elements can be activated.
see form Parameter of area map output
Numerical representation
A column of the result table will be shown on the screen in the form of placed numerical information. For a large number of receptor points, this is legible in a reduced viewport of the area only. Legible numbers can be generated by the display factor and by the number of decimal digits. The factor will be added to the title.
see form Configuration of the color scale
Color area representation
Around each evaluation area a quadratic colored area will be drawn, which represents the result value. The value, which is related to each color in the legend, describes the lower limit for the corresponding value interval. The value corresponding to the following color describes the upper limit of the interval.
see form Configuration of the color scale
Representation of the contour lines
One column of the result table is shown in the form of contour lines on the screen. The number value corresponding to the line color is listed in the legend.
The contour line generation selects between two methods automatically, depending on the receptor point area:
- In an area in which the area is arranged in a regular quadratic net, a simple and fast method will be selected.
- Otherwise, the time requirement for creating the contour lines increases quadratically with the number of receptor points. With fast PCs the limit of what is reasonable is reached at 1000 receptor point areas.
see form Configuration of the color scale
4. Tools
4.1 Batch processing
In the menu item "Batch processing" functions are available to carry out calculations for concentration arrays and characteristics.
The settings of the project must have been completed beforehand in the form with the functions of the menu item "Inputs".
The projects must recide in one folder, which has to be selected to enable the other functions. It is a good idea to copy projects into the batch folder, because they will be overwritten automatically.
The tasks entered into the table will be executed one after the other. Check System-Log for errors after the batch has been processed.
4.2 Statistical data of dispersion category
The statistics can be obtained from the meteorological services, (e.g. Deutscher Wetterdienst in Offenbach), or can be generated with our P&K MET from sampled data. The Klug-Manier statistics come in the form of ASCII files on diskette or magnetic tape.
From the DWD, two different formats are available:
Seven dispersion categories (I to V and unknown) with 32 wind velocity categories (1 to 32 knots and greater) and 38 wind direction classes (Calmen, sector 1 to 36 and circulating winds).
TA Luft Format:
Six dispersion categories (I to V) with nine wind velocity categories (class 1 to 9) with 36 wind direction classes (sector 1 to 36).
This number matrix can have header lines (preceding text lines). There is usually one in the DWD format one and five in the TA Luft format.
With the TA Luft format, calculations can only be carried out according to the TA Luft model, because the VDI 3782 mode supposes 15 wind velocity categories and the TA Luft format has only nine categories. The DWD format is useful for both models.
When using an AKS in the DWD format, the unknown dispersion category, Calmen, and circulating winds get distributed according to their quantity, which influences the calculation according to the specifications of the TA Luft 86.
Except for the header lines, line terminations are not relevant. Also the distance between the numbers is arbitrary.
The statistics are based on an anemometer height, which cannot be inferred from the file. Therefore, it is very important that the anemometer height used for the calculation of the concentration array is identical to that used for the dispersion category statistics.
The dispersion categories are derived in both models (TA Luft and VDI 3782) from the same pattern developed by Klug/Manier. The dispersion category statistics obtainable from the DWD are classified according to this regulation.
The wind velocity categories are dependent on the model derived as follows:
TA Luft category | DWD-Data | VDI 3782 category (Knots) |
1 | <1 | 1 |
1 | 1 | 1 |
1 | 2 | 1 |
2 | 3 | 2 |
3 | 4 | 2 |
4 | 5 | 3 |
4 | 6 | 3 |
4 | 7 | 4 |
5 | 8 | 4 |
5 | 9 | 5 |
5 | 10 | 5 |
6 | 11 | 6 |
6 | 12 | 6 |
6 | 13 | 7 |
7 | 14 | 7 |
7 | 15 | 8 |
7 | 16 | 8 |
8 | 17 | 9 |
8 | 18 | 9 |
8 | 19 | 10 |
9 | 20 | 10 |
9 | 21 | 11 |
9 | 22 | 11 |
9 | 23 | 12 |
9 | 24 | 12 |
9 | 25 | 13 |
9 | 26 | 13 |
9 | 27 | 14 |
9 | 28 | 14 |
9 | 29 | 15 |
9 | 30 | 15 |
9 | >30 | 15 |
The wind direction is divided into thirty-six 10°-sectors, beginning with the sector 6° to 15° in the windrose (north wind slightly east) progressing in the clockwise direction. Inside the program, depending on the position of the checkbox "Sub plumes", the calculation is made with 10°-sectors or with 2° sub sectors with the same frequency.
Program internal categories with sub plume | Range windrose [°] | Center [°] |
1 2 .. 43 .. 88 .. 133 .. 178 | >5 to 7 >7 to 9 .. >89 to 91 .. >179 to 181 .. >269 to 271 .. >359 to 1 | 6 8 .. 90 (east wind) .. 180 (south wind) .. 270 (west wind) .. 0 (north wind) |
Program internal categories without sub plume | Range windrose [°] | Center [°] |
1 2 .. 9 .. 18 .. 27 .. 36 | >5 to 15 >15 to 25 .. >85 to 95 .. >175 to 185 .. >265 to 275 .. >355 to 5 | 10 20 .. 90 (east wind) .. 180 (south wind) .. 270 (west wind) .. 0 (north wind) |
For selected measuring stations of the DWD, so-called four-dimensional statistics are available. These consist of two complete three-dimensional statistics: one for the dry times and one for the times with precipitation (with an intensity over 0.1 mm/h).
Also available are yearly or diurnal variations of the dispersion situations. In a file are a multiplicity of identically structured statistics: for the diurnal variation there is one for each hour of the day and for the yearly variation there is one for each month of the year. In order to access a certain statistic, the preceding lines must be skipped (number of header lines).
4.3 Selection and illustration of AKS
Statistical data of dispersion categories, which can be present as a file with the extension AKS, can be selected under "File/Open" (in Tools/Windrose).
Data of a dispersion category can be viewed graphically or in the form of a table in the menu item "Tools/Windrose".
For the graphic output, a summary illustration or a single illustration can be chosen (the frequency of all categories will be added together). The output can be limited to one dispersion category and/or one wind velocity category.
With "File/Print" the graphic or table can be printed.
see P&K Windrose
4.4 Export
With this program, result tables of the P&K 3782 program can be exported to be used by other programs. As examples programs like "Surfer", "AutoCad", spreadsheet programs and text processing programs are mentioned.
For various settings, the form P&K Export settings is available, which can be found in "Options/Settings". Under "Options", configuration files can be opened and saved.
see P&K Export
5.0 Operations
5.1 Within the forms
In the forms, the entries are made in form fields. With the keys Cursor up, Cursor down, Tab and Shift Tab or with the mouse the cursor can be moved over the fields. Cursor left and cursor right move the cursor character by character within a field.
Real numbers can be entered with a period or comma or as 1e-6 for 10-6. The error tone can be ignored on input, it is only triggered as a warning because 1e or 1e is not a valid number.
Posibly (if marked in the form) a selection list of discrete input values can be opened.
F1 provides context-sensitive help for a form field or the entire form and the integrated manual is accessible.
Click OK or CANCEL to leave the current form.
Also see: Calculator
5.2 Within the tables
The order and the width of all columns can be changed by clicking into a column header or between column headers and dragging as desired. This is practical if values are in a particular order, because Tab has to be pressed just once in order to reach the next column.
If the data in the columns are too wide to be displayed, then the symbols (in brackets) will be hidden in the column titles (e.g. Temperature (T0) ). Widening of the column will show that particular symbol.
The buttons "+" and "-" are used to insert or delete data sets. With the button "Dup" the current data set can be duplicated. The new row will become the last row in the table. This is useful if a data set is to be generated with minor difference to the current one. To insert a row, select the lower gray row before pressing the "+" button.
Individual fields, in which a selection is possible, are marked yellow. To activate the selection click once in a cell in order to select this; click a second time in order to activate the selection (no doubleclick).
With the cursor or Tab key, the focus can be moved between individual fields.
The illustrated section can be scrolled one row up or down by moving the cursor across the upper or lower edge of the table form.
Some tables can be sorted. With a right mouse button click into the considerable column, a Pull-Down Menu will be opened, and Sort Ascending or Sort Descending can be selected.
In some tables, a Row-Editor can be invoked. The Row-Editor shows one dataset only and can have more or less features then the grid dialog.
Sometimes single Columns can be imported via the Popup Menu. From the selected file, the values are taken and written to the position, from which the dialog was invoked. One value will be read per line from an ASCII file (includes CSV format) .
Sometimes single Columns can be imported via the Popup Menu. From the selected file, the values are taken and written to the position, from which the dialog was invoked. One value will be read per line from an ASCII file (includes CSV format) .
Some tables feature a search function. See Find in table
See: Calculator and Alter Column Values.
This feature allows to filter out a column with its value. Only rows with this value in the filtered column and not this column will be shown. The filter can be set to most of the columns (except when they are declared unique). All available column names are shown in the selector next to "Filter:". Once a column is selected, a corresponding value out of this column can be selected in the selector to the right of the equal sign. Filtering is accomplished on a text basis rather than on a value basis (e.g. 1.0 doesn't equal 1).
Using the filter feature will reorder the rows. Only columns, which are not defined as unique, can be selected. Some table can be sorted (Right Mouse Button Click into the column of regard.)
A filter might be active during import / export to exclude or include rows of data.
Table Import and Export
In most tables, data can be imported or exported with the buttons in the tool bar. The sequence of the columns and which columns are used, depends on the current column order and the current filter setting. With a button in the tool bar, a form can be opened which gives information about the current settings.
Single Columns can be imported via the Popup Menu. From the selected file, the values are taken and written to the position, from which the dialog was invoked. One value will be read per line from an ASCII file (includes CSV format) .
Available formats for import and export
CSV | Columns are separate by commas (Comma Separated Values). If a text contains commas, it must be written in " " (Quotation marks). The decimal character is the point. Values can optionally contain an exponent (e.g.: 6.E-9), however no additional separators are allowed. |
TXT | Columns are separated by spaces. If a text contains spaces, it must be written in ' ' (Apostrophe). The decimal character is the point. Values can optionally contain an exponent (e.g.: 6.E-9), however no additional separators are allowed. |
Current Project Extension | Individual tables can be loaded from project files. The loaded table must fit logically into the project. The export creates a new project file, which contains only the exported table. |
* | On selection of the file type [With Options (*.*)], the form Table Import Options will be opened, in which further parameters are available. |
The formats can be selected in the appropriate dialogs under the type of file. The filter function is switched off for other formats than CSV, TXT and *!
The tables can be viewed appealingly as an HTML-file by using the preview function. see Report function.
Also see: Calculator
5.3 Within the graphics
Most of the graphics can be zoomed; therefore a rectangle has to be opened with the mouse from the upper left corner to the lower right corner. To reset the zoom, a rectangle from the lower right corner to the upper left corner has to be opened with the mouse. Also the graphic can be moved; therefore the graphic is to be dragged with the right mouse button pressed.
Some dialogs can also be opened by clicking onto the axis, the legend, the title or double clicking the drawing area.
The button has to be down for all functions, which are activated by clicking into the drawing area.
Graphical illustrations on the screen can be printed with File/Print or the button .
The Export of Images can be done with . Images can also be copied to the clipboard with
Setup (Layout, Export and Format)
A form in which more graphic parameters can be set. Functions for export and graphics formats are also in this form.
Alterations made in will not be saved automatically. In some illustrations it might be possible to save and load configuration changes under the file menu, but it might cause strange effects, because the configuration might not fit to the current illustration. Series, which are not needed in the current illustration and which are not automatically destroyed can be made inactive. Data are managed in so called Series. The configuration can be saved with or without data. The data are normally replaced with the current ones, despite this, sometimes it might still be important to save the data along with the configuration.
Modifications and settings in other forms or of the calculated data can overwrite made changes in Setup!
It is recommended to set the graphic type to the configuration to be loaded.
With the button MAX the scale settings are maximized.
The graphic can be illustrated isometrically by using the button ISO. This has to be repeated after changing the size of the graphic.
The dispersion category can be changed with the cursor key <up> and <down>, the wind velocity category with <left> or <right>. To change the graphic type press <Page up> or <Page down>.
6.0 Problem solving and Compatibility
Compatibility with previous versions
The program can read the files from previous versions, but files produced by this program can only be partially processed by the predecessors.
If the hints disappear too fast, a value for "HintHidePause" can be set in the file P&K.ini (in the program directory). E.g. "HintHidePause=2500" means the hint remains visible for 2.5 sec. if no other actions with the mouse were made.
7.0 Glossary
GIRL | Odor ambient air concentration guideline of the regions (Geruchs Immissions Richtlinie der Länder) |
AKS | Statistical data of dispersion category or extension for files containing these data |
Isolines | Contour lines |
VDI | Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (The Association of German Engineers) |
TA Luft | Technische Anleitung (Technical instructions for air quality management) |
DWD | Deutscher Wetterdienst (German meteorological service) |
UAB | Umwelt Bundesamt (Federal Environmental Agency) |