P&K AST (TA Luft 2021 / AUSTAL)

Preliminary Note

Dispersion calculation for dust and air pollutants according to TA Luft 2021

Extract of the TA Luft 2021, Appendix 3
This TA Luft is in force autumn 2021.

Dispersion calculations

1 Introduction

The dispersion calculation for dust and air pollutants is to be performed as a timeline calculation over the course of a year or, based on a frequency distribution of dispersion situations spanning several years, according to the procedure stated in the TA Luft 2021, by usage of the particle model lined out in VDI 3945 part 3 (in force since September 2000) and taking account of further guidelines.

The dispersion model provides, in case of a timeline calculation, for each hour of the year at user defined evaluation points, the concentration of a substance (as mass/volume) and the deposition (as mass/(area · time)). When using a frequency distribution according to chapter 12 of this appendix, the dispersion model provides the corresponding annual mean values.

The results of a calculation for a raster of receptor points are used for the selection of the evaluation points, after Number

The results on the evaluation points represent the additional pollution and are used, together with the timeline of the measured pre-pollution values, as determination of the total pollution.