P&K MPI3 (AUSTAL Multi Core)
Performance comparision
Displayed are a few quick tests, to assess the gain of P&K MPI. One can see that the gain isn't constant. This is because the relation between CPU usage and I/O changes with lower QS to more impact of I/O. Its still one computer only. The decrease of gain with 4 processes on a 4-core computer can be explained with the impact by the active operating system.
Test-CPU: AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3970X 32-Core Processor
Program: AUSTAL 3.1.0
QS stands equivalent for the particle rate. QS -1 correspnds to partikle rate / 2 and so on.

qs -4 to +4
az "anno11.akterm"
gx 3500000.0
gy 5900000.0
xa 10
ya 10
hq 30
x0 0
y0 0
dd 30
nx 30, 60, 120
ny 30, 60, 120
xq 250
yq 450
so2 5.56
ti "benchmark"