P&K MET (VDI 3782 1 1)
Wind Velocity Thresholds
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This form has several velocity classes for different cases. In addition, two user definable classes are available, one in Knots and one in Meter per Second. A column is selected by a mouse click into its title, it will be marked in yellow.
The classes are interpreted by comparing a velocity against the entries in the selected column from the top one to the bottom one, until the velocity is smaller than the threshold, or the threshold is Null or not greater than the previous one. If the threshold is Null or not greater than the previous one, then the value will be assigned to the last class (greater or equal the last valid threshold).
DWD-Format / TA Luft-Format
This checkbox sets all settings to output a DWD / TA Luft-Format into an AKS format file. This checkbox must be set to be able to save into AKS-Format.
More features of the grid form are stated in the main document under Operation within the tables.