P&K MET (VDI 3782 1 1)
New Waether Data
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In this dialog and following dialogs, one can define and enter weather data or create a weather data template.
DWD Statistic / TA Luft Statistic
A TA Luft format statitic will be created from the parameters available. The input matrix can be zero filled or imported from file. Row and column order can be switched.
Free Statistic
A here defined and in the following dialog entered statistic will be transformed into one complying to the TA Luft Format Frequencies for wind speed under 0,5 m/s will be moved to 0,5 bis 1,4 m/s.
Here one can create a template timeline and also define some data to preset the entries. Preset fields are not shown in above dialog snap shot.
Also see: modify colum values and modify time dependend column values