P&K 3950
Layout of the graphic
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Result output form

In this form, all project related parameter are to be found, which modify the layout of the graphic and the Function Value Table.
Graphic range from / to:
The X-axis sector which is illustrated in the regression graphic cannot be set here. If "from" is not smaller than "to" the axis will be determined automatically.
List area from / to:
The list area of the table output between "from" and "to" is distributed among a number of "steps".
Number of steps: Number of lines in the table.
Increment: (to - from) / Increment is the result of numbers of lines.
Graphic range from / to:
The Y-axis sector which is illustrated in the regression graphic can be set here. If "from" is not smaller than "to" the axis will be determined automatically.
Graphic resolution
1 equals the highest resolution and is the slowest. The Microsoft GUI starts the line pattern new at every point. Therefore, in order to have a distinguishable dash-dot line, a value greater 1 has to be entered.
Raster in the graphic
draws a raster over graphic.
Extrapolate lower end/ upper end
extends the graphs over the range of validity.
Draws a border around the graphic.
2nd X-axis
Data of a second X-axis can be defined here. To activate the second scale, the first scale has to be defined also. From < to and the name must not be empty.
Second scale from / to
This is the starting and end value of the scale. They are drawn under their counterparts in the first axis.
Unit of the second scale.
Name of the scale.