P&K 2714
Central model parameters
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Central model parameters for the propagation calculation.
Project title
Title for reports and illustrations.
Deviating from the usually defined downwind average level, if a statement about the expected long term level (taking account of varying winds) is to be made, the reduction can be considered with sm as the distance from the source to the receiver (in m) (ISO 9613-2 (VDI 2714), page 9). see 4.1 Propagation calculation.
According to requirements, the emission level for discrete noise sources will be displayed either A-weighted and/or in the frequency band.
Vegetation/Development attenuation
see 4.6 Vegetation/Development attenuation (Ddg)
Development height [m]
see 4.6 Vegetation/Development attenuation (Ddg)
Primary frequency [Hz]
see 4.4 Absorption of sound by the atmosphere (Dl)
Air temperature [°C]
see 4.4 Absorption of sound by the atmosphere (Dl)
Humidity [%]
see 4.4 Absorption of sound by the atmosphere (Dl)
Ground attenuation thru: Dispersion/Reflection
For reflection sources, the sound power will be reduced in accordance with the specified reflection losses for the ground and for each obstacle. A level can be entered or a spectrum can be selected here.
Variant 1 ... 3
Activation and title for the variants. (see Variants)
Interprete as Day/Evening/Night and calculate Lden
Calculation of the day-evening-night level Lden according to the DIRECTIVE 2002/49/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 25 June 2002 relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise.